She Wanted to Help Us…

We met Linda through some mutual friends, and immediately thought she was a great person. After a period of time, we mentioned in one conversation that we were thinking about looking for a home. She then informed us that she was a Realtor, but not in a pushy manner like some we had worked with in the past. She only wanted to help us find our home and not just to make a buck. My kind of person.

~ Dave & Janet; Oak Ridge, TN

Linda Meese

~ Dave & Janet; Oak Ridge, TN

We met Linda through some mutual friends, and immediately thought she was a great person. After a period of time, we mentioned in one conversation that we were thinking about looking for a home. She then informed us that she was a Realtor, but not in a pushy manner like some we had worked with in the past. She only wanted to help us find our home and not just to make a buck. My kind of person.